"Apple courage" in the iPhone .. 7 loss to the pockets of users

Apple canceled the company in her new "iPhone 7" which was launched on Wednesday, a standard audio port, and said that such a move required a lot of courage to do it.
But the abolition of Apple for that record audio port, located in the millions of smartphones in the world, may cause overwhelm the user, since the latter will not be able to connect to any phone speakers wired only through private Ext attached in the phone box.

But if the user wants to adopt wireless solution proposed by Apple, it must pay about $ 175 a price for wireless headset AirPods in which the US company saw a revolutionary solution of innovation when it detects iPhone 7.

Phil Schiller said, vice president of global marketing at Apple during the announcement of the wireless headphones "Aerpod" "It is not logical that we link ourselves Bhoatva through the wire."

The Apple unveiled Wednesday all of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, she said, they will arrive to the market as of September 16 current.
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