Anfujravek .. 1 percent of the world's fresh water

Meet nearly 3 thousands of politicians and experts from more than 120 countries, in the Swedish capital Stockholm in order to reach the ideas to face the risk of water scarcity and climate change, through their participation in the World Water Week, which began Sunday.

And it took a week, which carries the number 26 and will continue until Friday, the theme "Water for Sustainable Development", discusses water crises around the world, which has become the biggest risks that need to be on humans face over the coming years with the rapid population growth and scarcity of clean water sources, warning of the possibility of inflammable new conflicts in the world against the backdrop of a lack of water resources.

While the earth's population surpassed seven billions, and despite the fact that two-thirds of the planet from the water, the fresh water in the planet does not increase rate of 3 per cent, meaning that 97 per cent of the total water on Earth is a water seas and oceans salty unfit for human consumption.

Not only that, the remainder of fresh water, ie 3 per cent, can not be accessed directly, so that 68 per cent of the water held in the form of mountains and glaciers, and 30 per cent is groundwater.

Meant another, the only 1 per cent of the fresh water is surface water, form the lakes accounted for 87 per cent of those waters and 11 per cent of them in the form of marshes and swamps, while only 2 per cent of the one per cent is a river .

In the Middle East and North Africa, the Arab countries are suffering from scarcity of water, barely exploited most of its surface water as well as those that are sweetened by desalination plants.

The report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations confirmed the classification of the Arab region as one of the poorest regions in terms of a water planet, with a share of water a year does not exceed 3% without a little of the year the global average.

Press report pointed to the low per capita at the level of the region since 1960 to no more than 600 cubic meters a year after it was 3,500 cubic meters ... any in what has become considered a "watery extreme poverty," according to the official classifications of the United Nations.

The study warned that population growth, which is forecast to increase from 400 to 500 million by 2050 crisis, will likely worsen exacerbate this problem unless you take the necessary measures as soon as possible.

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