Microsoft apologizes for the Saudis for translating "Daesh"

Microsoft apologized for the Saudis, after the translation "ping" of her translation of the word "Daesh" in Arabic to "Saudi Arabia" in English service, sparking a campaign against Microsoft in social media a few days ago.

Launched the pioneers of social networking sites a campaign against Microsoft, demanding Bmoktaah company, having shed light on this error in translation.

For his part, vice president of Microsoft in Saudi Arabia, Mamdouh Najjar said: "As an employee of Microsoft, I personally apologize to the Saudi people and the kingdom, so dear to our hearts, for this unintentional error."

Carpenter explained that the error occurred because the mechanism followed by Bing in translation, as is providing alternatives to translate a specific word, based on the proposals added by the users themselves, which means that it is possible to be manipulated the system and switch the correct translation another may be incorrect.

Microsoft has corrected the error within hours, and launched an investigation into the reasons that led to it.

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