$ 3 million price-to-head Colonel "terrorist" dissident

The United States on Tuesday spotted a reward of three million dollars to anyone who gives any information leading to the arrest of a former Tajik officer, trained by the United States but broke away and joined the ranks of al Daesh.
And Golmurud Halimov (41 years), a former colonel in the special units of the police of the Interior Ministry Tajik, according to AFP.

Having adopted Kguenas, Halimov received five training courses in the United States and Tajikistan between 2003 and 2014, funded by the anti-terrorism program of the American foreign minister, according to US officials.

However, he declared his allegiance to the organization Daesh, appeared in May in a video posted on the Internet wielding a sniper rifle and vowing to "jihad" in Russia, Tajikistan and the United States.

It had not identified the source video officially, but it may be the images in eastern Syria.

Washington was ranked Halimov in September 2015 "international terrorist." US authorities offered Tuesday a reward of three million dollars under the "Rewards for Justice" program.

She described the US foreign man as a "senior leader" in the organization Daesh and is responsible for recruitment to extremist groups.
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